The Flavors of Favorites

Hello, happy Saturday morning! I hope you are enjoying a warm cup of coffee with your fur baby curled next to you. Let me refill your cup and serve you a plate toppling with the many flavors of favorites.

Favorite - a word overused too often, but under the right circumstance signifies rarity and reveals the depths of a person.

When we meet our elementary school friend for the first time, we might ask them, “what is your favorite color?” Or when we go on our first date to an ice cream shop, we might ask, “what is your favorite flavor?” Or we might meet the love of our life and outwardly admit, “you are my favorite.”

Favorites change with every year and like a yearbook they show us how we have grown and open a page to our past.

9th Grade

The school bell rings and I walk to my last period of the day, English. The room smells of must and cheap Victoria Secret body spray to mask the P.E. sweat and baloney breath from lunch prior. Students chatter as the teacher casually walks to the front of the classroom waiting for silence and a room full of eyes to fall upon him. He asks us to pull out one sheet of paper and write down our favorite food. In typical fashion, he calls on every student to share what they wrote aloud.

My palms sweat and I can hear my voice crack as I say “steak.” As all students complete their turn, he sits unamused and disappointed. He says “let’s try this again, but I want you to describe your favorite food. Give me details. The more the better. Explain to me why.”

We all looked to our papers again, but this time I thought about why steak was my favorite. I was transported back to summer where the air smelled of barbeque, Bob Marley sang “Could You Be Loved,” the Angels game played in the background, and my sister and neighbors splashed in the pool. I wore a bright pink bikini, goggles, and was up next to tag someone. My Dad called for us to eat and we ran over to our Mom as she wrapped us in towels. The plate was set down in front of me and my stomach growled with hunger.

My favorite food, a tender juicy medium-rare filet mignon coated in Montreal seasoning awaited demolishment. My sister sat next to me already trying to hide her zucchini pieces in her milk and pleaded with me not to tell our parents. In that moment I remembered feeling a wave of happiness and fullness. Nothing felt better than those summer nights.

So, when I went to write what my favorite food was, I added every detail in hopes of sharing that feeling with my teacher and classmates. The second time around, after we all shared our favorite food, we left knowing each other a little better and gained a greater appreciation for one another.


Phoebe Buffay is my favorite T.V show character of all time. She brought “smelly cat smelly cat” and “princess banana hammock” into my life. She always makes me laugh and never ceases to surprise me.

Phoebe is the human personification of creativity and strength. Her upbringing may have had its trials and tribulations, but she overcame all of them with the help of her grit and creative spirit. She embraces her true self through her music and homemade art pieces. Hi Glyniss! She doesn’t care if “little black curly hair” is a top selling hit, as she has created it from her heart bringing joy to others. Her deep sense of self exudes confidence and charm encouraging others to embrace their quirks. Most importantly, Phoebe loves her friends and her family standing as a pillar for them to lean on. She is also hilarious and we all know a good laugh is necessary in life.

Why is Phoebe my favorite T.V. show character? She is a little piece of home away from home. She shares qualities with my Mom who is one of the greatest lights in my life. When I am feeling low or need a mom hug, Phoebe always helps to cheer me up.

There is always a story behind a person’s favorite. A favorite might be spoken in a nonchalant manner, but it isn’t meant to be taken lightly or swept under the rug. You only need to lend an ear and listen. Taste the many flavors of favorites this world has to offer and soon enough your belly will be full with summer nights and warm laughter.

Cheers to you and this Saturday!


The Daily Paige


A Little Deeper


A Love Story