An Interview with Patton Connair
Hi! It’s my second day of blogging and all I can think to write about is my new pup, Patton. Some would call him Put Put Patty Bear, Pat Pat, General Patton, Schnookums. I call him my fur baby and little menace.
It’s our fourth day with our new rescue dog and I cannot be more thankful to call him family. He has kept us on our toes, and he has brought a bundle of hairy love into our lives.
I decided it would be best to interview him and hear from him personally on how life has been at the Connair house. He had a lot to say…and chew on.
Day One: Mom and Dad
What is up my people!!! I got adopted today! WOOF YEAH! I honestly can’t believe my life went from dorms to adulting in a few hours. I got swooped up by these two city folk, now called mom and dad. We got to their house, and I’ll have to admit at first I was hesitant, but then they opened this wooden gate to the sickest backyard of grass a dog would want. I mean who could blame me when the zoomies took over? I was rushing all over that place, marking my territory, rolling in anything that smelled, and knew this was my new crib.
This is me, chillin like a villain, waiting for tummy scratches and food scraps. #letitbebeef
Day Two: Wake, Walk, and Talk
I woke up, head booped my dad, and took a giant dump. Steamers gonna steam. We decided to go for a family walk around the neighborhood. I’m a pretty strong guy and like to pull my dad, yank his chain if you know what I mean. I ended up sniffing a lot of neighborly bushes to sus out the other dogs. They seem cool, but I’m not going to lie, I was pretty disappointed in the massive deuce one of them left. Of course I had to sniff it, but I’m still not sure why my parents freaked out.
After making a round, we talked to my mom’s sister and my cousin through this little screen. I am still so confused how we did it, but it was short lived. I had to go munch on my moscow mule and show the couch who’s boss. Talk about a body slam…the couch didn’t know what was coming for it.
This is me talking to my cousin, Goose. He had to wear this large diaper, poor guy. Hope he gets set free soon. #freeGoose
Day Three: Make the Yellow Snow
SNOW!!! Yeah, I’m from Texas. I don’t know snow, but let me tell you that Idaho has some of the best. It’s cold, munchable, and better than a ball. I spent my morning playing ball with mom in the snow. I’m a natural born athlete and take ball very seriously. Very. Seriously. The snow kind of jacked up my style when it froze my ball. It really threw my whole game off, so I had to improvise. All the best athletes do.
I decided it was time to slide, slip, and eat the snow. Man, it was cold, but I couldn’t get enough. Hopefully it’ll snow again. Mom and dad said they would take me sledding.
Stretching before ball is crucial. #buttsup
Day Four: My Turf
I’m always thinking in the back of my head that maybe this won’t be my forever home, until today. I finally felt comfortable and really settled in. My mom gives the best snuggles in the morning and my dad is my best bud. He calls me his “little shadow.” Yeah, it’s embarrassing, but it’s all I have ever wanted: to be loved and to be apart of a family.
Stitch, my alien role-model, says “Ohana means family. Family means no one ever gets left behind or forgotten.” I guess I found my Ohana.
This is me, being all cute I guess. Puppy eyes ALWAYS get you treats. Never underestimate them. #byefam
We love our Patton boy and will continue to interview him as he grows older. For now, thanks for spending your evening with the Daily Paige. We hope you liked it, cheers!