Nostalgic Monday
Hello, another Monday and another good week! Currently, I am drinking a warm cup of coffee inside safe away from the bone chilling 24 degree weather. Our guard dog, Patton, is protecting us from the trash man while soaking up the single spot of sun on our back porch.
The February weather has me feeling nostalgic for a warm American summer night.
Painting the neighborhood in red, white, and blue, The Fourth of July invites families to grab their tattered lawn chairs and comfy blankets for a sparkling night of American celebration. Wafting the air with the scent of hamburgers and hot dogs, dad’s barbeque with a cold beer in one hand and a cigar in the other. Scatterings of small wet footprints on the concrete dry as children play another round of Marco Polo in the pool. Splashes can be heard from across the neighborhood drowning out the faint sounds of early fireworks. Gathering on the wet grass, sisters begin to paint the sky with sparklers etching their names in the air hoping it will last forever. Calling their children’s names, mothers pass out the treasured holy grail of summer desserts, ice cream. Playing in preparation for the greatest firework show in the cul-de-sac, “God Bless The U.S.A” encourages people to sing along.
Exploding with a loud boom and decorating the sky in reds and bright whites, the first firework is set free. Overflowing with excitement, smiles are seen throughout the crowd and hearts are warmed.
This is America, land of the free. This is a place where families are celebrated, children can dream, and opportunities are endless. A place you can live in a bustling city or on a piece of land in the country. A place that invites people of different walks of life with open arms. A place that allows anyone to create the life they want if they are willing to take the chance. A place I am proud to call my home.
Cheers to the summer nights, running through sprinklers, and to America. I hope you have a good start to your week and thanks for reading The Daily Paige!